Hen Harrier Data Submission

This page allows you to input your data which has been collected as part of the national survey. Why not try and turn your square green!

The previous hen harrier surveys (Barton et al., 2006; Ruddock et al., 2012; Ruddock et al., 2016) found hen harriers were distributed as follows:

Hen Harrier Distribution in Ireland in 2005

Hen Harrier Distribution in Ireland in 2005

Hen Harrier Distribution in Ireland in 2010

Hen Harrier Distribution in Ireland in 2010



'Preliminary Hen Harrier Distribution in Ireland 2015: 26th May 2015

‘Preliminary Hen Harrier Distribution in Ireland 2015


Data entry, survey maps & recording forms

In order to help us understand where your sightings or where breeding activity occurred it is really important that you submit your records. Please submit all records by the 31st August 2022 to allow us the time to input and analyse the data.

All submitted records will be compiled and stored securely by the project team, recognising the sensitive nature of some breeding locations. Without the exact locations of territories or nest sites (6-figure grid references) we will not be able to produce comprehensive and precise estimates of population size or distribution. Site-location information will be kept under lock and key for hard-copy form and/or in password-protected electronic form.

If you use printed maps and forms in during your field surveys these forms and maps can be submitted by:

  1. Hard-copy data can be returned by post to one of the below addresses:
        Dr Marc Ruddock (GET): 12 Ely Place, Dublin 2, Co. Dublin marcruddock@goldeneagle.ie
        Mr Ryan WIlson-Parr: 12 Rock Court, Slane, Co. Meath secretary@irsg.ie
        Mr John Lusby (BWI): 27 Beechgrove, Oranmore, Co. Galway jlusby@birdwatchireland.ie
  2. Digital data can also be digitised by you into the survey excel spreadsheets (see links below) and emailed to irishhenharriersurvey@hotmail.com or any of the project managers named above. You can then scan and email your survey maps or post the maps to any of the above addresses.
  3. Online data – hen harrier data can also be entered online via www.irishhenharriersurvey.com and use either i) the public sightings page or ii) the data entry page.

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